What day is it?

Dear Franklin UMC members and friends,

It is Wednesday! As we turn our eyes to the weekend, I want to remind you that this Saturday (7/22) we will be having a community-wide cookout. This event is completely FREE. Come enjoy a burger and/or hot dog and the fellowship of the community. Bring a chair or blanket to sit on. Limited seating will be available. There’s no need to RSVP for this event, but we’d love for you to help spread the word. If you have a Facebook account, please mark your interest on this event. If you have an Instagram account like and share this post with your friends.

This Sunday, we will be worshipping in the vestry. We are continuing our summer worship series, “Stories of the Faith” and moving into a three-week block looking at the story of Joseph in the Book of Genesis. I am sorry about the audio issues with worship last week for our online worshippers. We should have the issue figured out before Sunday. If you’d like to help me process the weekly story as I prepare for Sunday’s reflection, know that you are always welcome to join The Pastor’s Study. We meet Wednesdays at 7pm via Google Meet to discuss the following Sunday’s scripture passage and theme.

I hope you have a great end to your week. I look forward to seeing you this weekend at the cookout and in worship! As always, if you have any questions about these events, the church, or just want to talk about faith and life, don’t hesitate to reach out via text, email, or phone. I’m always open to chat and/or sit down together.
