New Study/Small Group Series || Upward!

We will be starting a new study and small group discussion series on Sunday, September 8, entitled Upward! based on the book by Steve Harper and Paul Chilcote. Upward! : Wesleyan Formation in Three Movements is an accessible primer on the Wesleyan way. It covers the theology, practices, habits, and attitudes that characterize the Methodist …

Thank you! You keep the church standing.

Dear members and friends of Franklin United Methodist Church, Thank you for your prayers, presence, financial contributions, and witness to the love of God found in Jesus Christ. Your contributions have been a vital support as we open our doors to help people meaningfully connect with God, grow in Christ, and reach out in love to …

Church This Weekend

There is a busy weekend coming up (10/22 to 10/23)! Here’s what you need to know: This weekend! Fall Cleanup We can use your help cleaning up the church facility, inside and out.  We’ll meet at 10am on Saturday, October 22. If you are planning to help with yardwork (planting bulbs, trimming bushes, pulling out …

THIS WEEKEND: A Cookout, a Baptism, and Ice Cream!

Dear members and friends of Franklin United Methodist Church, This weekend is full of opportunities to connect.  There’s a cookout on Saturday and a baptism and ice cream social on Sunday. I wanted to make sure that you knew what was going on so that you could make plans to participate!  Here are the details. Saturday, September 24, we’re …

Life Together

Taking Faith Home || Thanksgiving

“Taking Faith Home” is a weekly spiritual formation resource for you to use in your daily personal or family devotions and/or with a small group. Use it creatively in a way that fits your context. You can view/download/print this week’s “Taking Faith Home” by clicking the picture below.