Holy Week Shadows || Tuesday, April 7, 2020
A short devotional service, as we prayerfully face the lengthening shadows of Holy Week.
A short devotional service, as we prayerfully face the lengthening shadows of Holy Week.
Join us tonight online for evening praise and prayer at 7:30pm.
A short devotional service, as we prayerfully face the lengthening shadows of Holy Week.
Read Matthew 21:1-17 (18-46) (CEB, NRSV, MSG, KJV, Compare). Jesus’ entrance into Jerusalem to the waving of palm branches and shouts of hosanna (Save us!) is attested to in each of the four gospels. Have you heard this story before? If so, when you think about Jesus’ entrance into Jerusalem, what comes to mind? What …
By Beth Ferguson, Lay Leader and Member to the Annual Conference. Today, we celebrate Palm Sunday, Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem. the people cheered and shouted Hosanna, waving palm branches and placing them in the road as Jesus entered the city. The Psalm today is the prophecy of this entrance. In the New Revised Standard …
Join us for a service of praise and prayer: an opportunity for us to gather together, offer our thanks to God, and pray with and for one another. You can join this service virtually through Google Hangouts by clicking this link (http://meet.google.com/ens-kcoq-bgg) or by calling 1-262-885-7027, the PIN is 172 874 072#. All are welcome. …
By Beth Ferguson, Lay Leader and Member to the Annual Conference. This Psalm of David (Psalm 31:9-18) was likely written during one of David’s escapes from Saul. Here he was, God’s chosen and anointed, running for his life. David was called to be the next king of Israel, yet he feared for his life as …
Join us for a service of praise and prayer: an opportunity for us to gather together, offer our thanks to God, and pray with and for one another. You can join this service virtually through Google Hangouts by clicking this link (https://meet.google.com/txp-ndfa-ivu) or by calling 1-440-467-1448, the PIN is 220 679 745#. All are welcome. To add this …
Join us for a service of praise and prayer: an opportunity for us to gather together, offer our thanks to God, and pray with and for one another. You can join this service virtually through Google Hangouts by clicking this link (https://meet.google.com/txp-ndfa-ivu) or by calling 1-440-467-1448, the PIN is 220 679 745#. All are welcome. …
Today’s Reading: Matthew 18:1-14 (CEB, NRSV, MSG, KJV, Compare) In 1999, Kenny Rogers released the song, “I Am the Greatest.” It is about a boy who believes himself to be the greatest baseball player ever. He tells himself over and over that he is the greatest. He picks the ball up and pitches to himself, …