Upcoming Events & Opportunities || September 9, 2021

Midweek Discussion w/ Pastor Jacob Join Pastor Jacob on Wednesday at 7pm as we discuss upcoming readings and themes for Sunday worship.  This group meets in-person in the vestry and virtually. Virtual participants can  join the gathering by going to https://meet.google.com/txp-ndfa-ivu) or by calling 1-440-467-1448, the PIN is 220 679 745#. Book Club The Book Club …

Midweek Discussion (IMMEDIATE CHANGE)

Dear friends and members, I misspoke on Sunday.  I need to move the midweek discussion to Wednesdays at 7pm beginning immediately (tonight!).  We will meet in-person at the church and in-person virtually.  The link and phone number to join virtually have not changed (https://meet.google.com/txp-ndfa-ivu or 1-440-467-1448, the PIN is 220 679 745#). I apologize for …


Dear friends and members of Franklin United Methodist Church, As I am sure you are all aware, the pandemic lingers on and positive cases of COVID-19 are on the rise.  The Delta variant is causing an end of summer spike in cases around the country including here in Franklin.  You can find the total positive …

‘Faith After Doubt’: A book discussion with the author, Brian D. McLaren

The bishop is pleased to welcome the book’s author, Brian D. McLaren, to the NEAC for a four-session online discussion of this book that Bishop Devadhar called “important and insightful.”  In his address Bishop Devadhar said, “McLaren invites us to a future of hope. He invites us to transform our weariness into constructive collaborations with fellow Christians. He invites us to invest in the church of the future.”  In Faith After …


Dear friends and members of Franklin United Methodist Church, This week, the Centers for Disease Control updated their COVID-19 protocols for schools. You can find the full guidance here. For K-12 schools the recommended distance for physical distancing was shortened to three (3) feet. It is important to note that this new guidance continues to …


We could use your help as a worship volunteer! Worship is the primary gathering of the church.  Through our worship together, we seek to commune with God, one another, and grow in Love together.  Volunteers are essential in helping with the smooth running of worship.  For a typical, Sunday morning, worship service, we need 18 …

Get Connected

The Franklin United Methodist Church uses Realm, an online database software, to better communicate with and connect people into the life of the church. It is simple and easy to use! Every person in the church gets a unique profile. Your profile enables you to RSVP to events (including volunteer opportunities), track your giving, update …