Dear members and friends of Franklin United Methodist Church,
On January 21, 2025, President Donald Trump issued an executive order which allows officers enforcing immigration law to arrest migrants at sensitive locations, including churches, without prior approval.[i] Since that time, there have been many verified[ii] and rumored[iii] detentions where people have been targeted based upon the color of their skin and the language they speak and not solely upon past or on-going criminal investigations and immigration status. Many in our community, including non-white citizens and those with legal immigration status, are afraid. We must stand with the migrant, immigrant, and the refugee. We cannot remain silent.
As United Methodists, “we affirm the dignity, worth, and rights of migrants, immigrants and refugees, including displaced and stateless people.”[iv] And, “we oppose all laws and policies that attempt to criminalize, dehumanize or punish displaced individuals and families based on their status as migrants, immigrants or refugees. Additionally, we decry attempts to detain displaced people and hold them in inhumane and unsanitary conditions. We challenge policies that call for the separation of families, especially parents and minor children, and we oppose the existence of for-profit detention centers for such purposes.”[v] As United Methodists, we are urged to welcome migrants, refugees, and immigrants into our congregation and provide concrete support, “including help with navigating restrictive and often lengthy immigration policies, and assistance with securing food, housing, education, employment and other kinds of support.”[vi]
As Christians, we affirm that “The Lord watches over the strangers; he upholds the orphan and the widow” (Psalm 146:9a, New Revised Standard Version Updated Edition). We see it as our call to show hospitality and welcome to the stranger and foreigner, treating them as family and citizens of our own land (cf. Leviticus 19:34, Deuteronomy 27:19, Ezekiel 47:22, Zechariah 7:9-10, Matthew 25:31-36). We believe, in the words of Jesus, that the entirety of Scripture can be summed up in two commandments, love God with all your heart, soul, and mind; and, love your neighbor as yourself (cf. Matthew 22:34-40). This love extends to all persons regardless of one’s race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, ability, age, and immigration status. God’s love found in the person of Jesus Christ breaks down these human constructs and molds us into one diverse and inclusive people (cf. Galatians 3:28).
As citizens of the United States of America, we hold it as a fundamental right that all persons should be granted the freedom to gather and exercise the religion of their choosing. President Trump’s executive order creates a very real threat that “deters congregants from attending services [and practicing their religion], especially members of immigrant communities.”[vii]
I have instructed all staff and building users regarding protocols that should be followed should an immigration enforcement officer be spotted on church property or enter the facility. I am also making available information so that all members of our community understand their rights should they encounter such an officer. “Know Your Rights” cards, also known as “Red Cards,” are available in the vestry along with printed copies of “Faith and Facts Card—Immigration to the U.S.” published by the General Board of Church and Society of The United Methodist Church. Finally, additional information and resources, specific to Massachusetts and/or The United Methodist Church, can be found below.
I hope, and I pray, that President Trump will come to look with compassion and mercy upon the people in our country who are scared now. Many are. [viii] I also hope, and I pray, that our church will not lose its resolve for being a place where all can experience compassion and mercy; that we might continue to be a community where all can experience meaningful relationship with God, grow in Christ, and reach out in love to others; a place where all can love and be loved; a community where all persons can be accepted as they are.
I encourage everyone to pray for our President, other government officials in our country and around the world, and all those who refuse to reach out with anything less than a heart full of love, mercy and compassion. In Jesus’ name, and for Christ’s sake, I pray—and I hope you will too.
Pastor Jacob
- The General Board of Church and Society of The United Methodist Church has a page devoted to “Immigration to the U.S,”, that includes resources and practical action items.
- The New England Conference of The United Methodist Church has established a resource list for immigrants and allies,
- New England Justice for Our Neighbors (JFON),, provides free, expert legal aid to low- and no-income immigrants, specializing in humanitarian-based cases.
- Massachusetts Immigrant & Refugee Advocacy Coalition (MIRA),, advocates for the advancement of all immigrants across the Commonwealth and beyond. They have many free resources including a help line for those seeking to be a better advocate and ally.
[i] Rebecca Santana, “Trump administration throws out policies limiting migrant arrests at sensitive spots like church,”, January 21, 2025 (
[ii] Marlene Lenthang, “Here are the cities where ICE raids are taking place,” NBC News, January 27, 2025 (
[iii] Gina Lee Castro, “Milwaukee officials, advocates working to verify viral report of Puerto Rican family detained by ICE,”, January 30, 2025 (
[iv] from “The Political Community,” section “G. Migrants, Immigrants and Refugees” in The United Methodist Social Principles: As Adopted by General Conference Charlotte, 2024 (, p38.
[v] Ibid.
[vi] Ibid.
[vii] “Donald Trump Sued by Quakers Over ICE Raids,”, January 28, 2025 (
[viii] see sermon by Right Rev. Mariann Edgar Budde, Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Washington, at the Washington National Cathedral, January 21, 2025 (