Wednesday, February 17, marks the beginning of Lent–the 40 days (not including Sundays) leading up to the celebration of Easter. Below you will find a devotional and information about a special worship service to help you begin the season of Lent aright.
“Taking Faith Home” Devotion
Use and adapt this resource for your personal, family, and/or small group devotions.

Ash Wednesday Worship
Traditionally, we would hold an Ash Wednesday worship service at the church and impose ashes on foreheads as a sign of repentance and in remembrance of our mortality. Due to on-going precautions during the pandemic, and our not meeting for in-person worship, this service has been pre-recorded. There are several different ways you can view the service…
Google Meet, 12pm
You can join the Ash Wednesday Service at 12pm (virtually) using Google Meet. Click this link ( or call 1-262-885-7027, the PIN is 172 874 072#. Note: this is the same Meet used for our Worship Together on Sunday morning.
Online (YouTube or Facebook)
If you cannot make the virtual service at noon, you access the service below, or on our YouTube channel and Facebook page.