
Worship is an encounter. It is an encounter with and draws us closer to God and one another. In worship, we sing, pray, read and reflect on Scripture learning the way of Christ, offering ourselves in loving service to others.

We gather for worship each Sunday at 10a. We gather in the sanctuary and via Google Meet. Services are also streamed and archived on YouTube. Details about the worship service including bulletins (a program with an order of the service, music, etc.) and joining information are published to this site ahead of each service. All are welcome to attend worship our services.

Franklin UMC offers several special services throughout the year that correspond with the liturgical calendar and/or the needs of the community. Services are led by the pastor and team of volunteers.

Upcoming & Past Worship Services


At Franklin UMC, the Sacrament of Holy Communion is served at least once per month on the first Sunday of the month. We use gluten-free bread and juice. All persons are welcome to partake the sacrament–no exceptions.

To learn more about what United Methodists believe about Communion check out “An open table: How United Methodists understand communion” by Joe Iovino at UMC.org.


At Franklin UMC, the Sacrament of Baptism is offered when requested. We practice infant and believer baptism. Baptisms are always, except in extreme situations, performed as part of a public worship service.

To learn more about the United Methodist understanding of baptism, check out “Renewing waters: How United Methodists understand baptism” by Jo Iovino at UMC.org.

All persons requesting baptism are required to meet with the pastor. If you’d like to request a baptism, please contact [email protected].