Worship Together || Sunday, January 16, 2022

Join us as we worship together on Sunday at 10 am ET. You are invited to join this service in-person in the sanctuary, in-person virtually using Google Meet, or stream the service on YouTube. In-person participants participating in the sanctuary at 82 W. Central St., Franklin, MA, must wear a mask over their nose and …

Worship Together || Sunday, January 9, 2022

Join us as we worship together on Sunday at 10 am ET. You are invited to join this service in-person in the sanctuary, in-person virtually using Google Meet, or stream the service on YouTube. In-person participants participating in the sanctuary at 82 W. Central St., Franklin, MA, must wear a mask over their nose and …

Midweek Discussion w/ Pastor Jacob

Midweek discussions with Pastor Jacob will resume on Wednesday, January 12 at 7pm. This small group meets most Wednesdays at 7pm and lasts for approximately one hour. Discussion topics vary, but typically revolve around Sunday morning worship themes. All are welcome to participate. This small group will meet virtually ONLY through the end of February. …

Worship Together || Sunday, January 2, 2022

Join us as we worship together on Sunday at 10 am ET. You are invited to join this service in-person or virtually. In-person participants must wear a mask over their nose and mouth while inside our facility. You can join this service virtually through Google Meet by clicking this link (http://meet.google.com/ens-kcoq-bgg) or by calling 1-262-885-7027, …

Worship Together || Sunday, December 26, 2021

Join us as we worship together on Sunday at 10 am ET. You are invited to join this service in-person or virtually. In-person participants must wear a mask over their nose and mouth while inside our facility. You can join this service virtually through Google Meet by clicking this link (http://meet.google.com/ens-kcoq-bgg) or by calling 1-262-885-7027, …

Christmas Eve || 11 pm Lessons & Carols

Join the Franklin United Methodist Church for  a traditional service of Lessons and Carols on Christmas Eve, December 24, at 11pm.  This service will include scripture, song, and communion.  It will occur in-person in-the-sanctuary, in-person virtually using Google Meet, and live-streamed via YouTube.  All are welcome. In-person participants must wear a mask over their nose …

Christmas Eve || 5pm Pop-Up Christmas Pageant

Join us on Christmas Eve, Friday, December 24 at 5pm for family service. We will sing Christmas Carols while our esteemed pageant directors pick the cast for the nativity scene. All are welcome! In-person participants must wear a mask over their nose and mouth while inside our facility. You can join this service virtually through …

2021 Christmas Eve Services & Christmas Offering

Dear friends and members of Franklin United Methodist Church, I can’t get the song out of my head.  Christmas and the New Year are quickly approaching, I can’t shake the refrain of Europe’s 1986 classic, “The Final Countdown.”  Your lucky the synthesizer music does not translate well into text.  We’re in the final countdown to …

Longest Night Service || Tuesday December 21, 2021

Join us on the Longest Night, Tuesday, December 21 at 7pm for a service of worship where we look with hope to the dawning of the light. You are invited to join this service in-person or virtually. In-person participants must wear a mask over their nose and mouth while inside our facility. You can join …