A Pastoral Update (9/30/30): “In This Together”
You can download a written/letter version of this update below.
You can download a written/letter version of this update below.
Racism is sinful. “Racism is the combination of the power to dominate by one race over other races and a value system that assumes that the dominant race is innately superior to the others… We commit as the Church to move beyond symbolic expressions and representative models that do not challenge unjust systems of power …
As religious leaders of diverse traditions we understand life to be the greatest and most sacred gift endowed by our Creator. Inherent in that gift is the inalienable right to live freely and without fear. The May 25, 2020 abhorrent killing of George Floyd, in Minneapolis, at the knee of a law enforcement official, sworn …
The Christian tradition has, from the beginning, relied upon story to both share the faith and guide people in their faith. Using a children’s story bible, The Beginner’s Bible (Zondervan, 2005), we will spend the summer reading stories of the faith. Use the chart below for your own study and devotions. We hope you will …
Dear members and friends of Franklin United Methodist Church, On March 13, in response to the growing concerns regarding the spread of COVID-19, I made the difficult decision to cancel in-person worship. The following Sunday, a Church Council meeting was called, and the decision was made to follow the mandates coming from the Governor’s Office …
Read more “The Phased Reopening of our Facility and In-Person Worship”
We are sorry for the inconvenience. We are experiencing significant website issues today. Our praise and prayer service will still happen. Please see last Tuesday or Thursday’s post to enter the room. A link for the bulletin will be provided in the chat of our Google Meet session.
Dear members and friends of Franklin United Methodist Church, The last couple of weeks have brought rapid change to the way in which we live our every day lives. The spread of the coronavirus has changed the way we can responsibly interact with one another. These changes even impact the way we interact and do …