
Methodism in Franklin began with a petition, in 1853, sent by four Franklin residents to the conference requesting that a church be founded in Franklin.  The Rev. John M. Merrill was sent to organize a church.  After a few years, the congregation dwindled. In 1871 a new small group formed and in 1872 the charge was reborn. There were 14 members including the pastor.  The cornerstone for a new church building was laid on October 23, 1872.  The charge (church) has continued, in its original facility, for more than 150 years thanks to the determination, ambition, purposefulness, and generosity of its members and the support of the community.

            The Franklin United Methodist Church seeks to be a community where all can experience a meaningful relationship with God, grow in Christ, and reach out in love to others; a community where all can love and be loved; a community where you are accepted just as you are. Discipleship happens in community.  We find meaningful relationship with God and grow in Christ as we gather with other people seeking the same.  Through worship, prayer, fellowship, and study, we discover a God who meets us as we gather (cf. Matthew 18:20). Together we journey with one another in faith—“bound in sacred covenant to shoulder the burdens, share the risks, and celebrate the joys of” each community member (¶219. Mutual Responsibility, The United Methodist Book of Discipline: 2016) trusting that in so doing we are living into God’s reign.  We strive to grow in Christ so that we might live sacrificially for others, forgive sins, seek reconciliation, justice, and peace, and grow evermore in love with God and all else.  Jesus said that the entire law and prophets could be summed up in two commandments (cf. Matthew 22:34-40), if we do them we will inherit eternal life (cf. Luke 10:25-28), for they are the greatest commandments (cf. Mark 12:28-31)—love God and love your neighbor as yourself. This is our highest pursuit: to know ourselves as loved and to reach out in love to others.