Dear members and friends of Franklin United Methodist Church,
This weekend is a busy weekend at the church and around town. Here’s some of what’s going on…
On Friday, is the Franklin Farmer’s Market from 2-6pm on the Franklin Town Common. It is also the first “Concert on the Common” which will run from 3:30-8pm. In addition to the Farmer’s Market vendors, there will be two food trucks–Cousin’s Maine Lobster Truck and Hogwash BBQ–from 3:30-8p.
On Saturday, we have planned our first community cookout of the season. Food is served from 5:30-6:30p. This event is free. Invite your friends! You can learn more about all the cookouts here. If you’re on Facebook, mark your interest in this month’s cookout or share with your friends that you’re coming by clicking here.
On Sunday, we are continuing our summer series, “Stories of the Faith.” We will be reading the story of Saul’s conversion and talking about overcoming hate. We’ll read from The Beginner’s Bible in worship, you can read the story in the Book of Acts here. Following worship, the Committee on Ministry has organized a special coffee hour: we’ll have strawberry shortcakes!
I also wanted to make you aware that this Sunday, from 12-4pm is the Celebrate Pride event on the Franklin Town Common hosted by the LGBTQ Alliance. There will be booths, entertainment, and food trucks. This event makes space for us to remember, stand with, and commune with our LGBTQ+ neighbors and friends.
There is a lot going on this weekend around town and at the church: great opportunities to build meaningful relationship with God, grow in Christ, and reach out in love to others. I hope to see you on Sunday (in the sanctuary or online) and around town this weekend!
Pastor Jacob
P.S. ~For those that don’t know, the church’s community garden was planted on June 3. Below is a pic of the crew that put it all in. When you’re at the church, take a stroll through the garden, talk to the plants (some say it helps them grow), and feel free to pull a few weeds. As the weather gets warmer, and the rain eventually subsides, we’ll need volunteers to help water the garden. We will also need volunteers to deliver produce to the Franklin Food Pantry. Let me know if you’re interested in helping.