THIS SUNDAY (April 2), we will be resuming children’s discipleship classes (Sunday School) during worship. At present, we are working with a one-room, once-per-month model, but hope to be able to expand as the program grows. Children ages 4-12 (preschool through 5th grade) will be dismissed during worship and return to the sanctuary for holy communion.
The curriculum we are using is Mini Revolutions from Illustrated Ministry. In addition to the (current) once-per-month class during worship at the church, we will be providing supplementary materials for persons who would like to use the curriculum for family devotions. Print materials will be made available each week at the church. We can also email you materials in a montly packet, if you’re interested in using them in your home.

A few final notes: 1) while this curriculum is geared to elementary age kids and younger, even adults may find the opportunity to read scripture and color a helpful spiritual practice. If that’s you, consider picking up the material at church even if you don’t have children in the home. 2) Thank you to the Committee on Ministry and Church Council for working hard to lay the groundwork to get this ministry started again. There is a lot more behind the scenes work that happens to start a ministry like this than most people realize. Their efforts need to be recognized. And, 3) we are actively looking for volunteers to help teach. If you’re interested in helping out with this kids discipleship ministry, please contact Inger Anderson (Chair of the Committee on Ministry) or Pastor Jacob.
If you have any questions about this ministry opportunity, please contact Pastor Jacob.