We have several Christmas worship opportunities coming up at Franklin United Methodist Church. Here are the details you need to know to participate in-person-in-the-sanctuary or in-person-virtually. You can also catch the live-stream and an archive of live-streams on our YouTube channel (youtube.com/@FranklinMAUMC).

Christmas Eve worship at 4pm will include stories (and carols) by the Christmas Tree. This informal service will include readings from The Beginner’s Bible and several children’s books and will conclude by lighting candles as we discover the true meaning of Christmas.
The Christmas Eve 4pm service will happen in the sanctuary and Google Meet. You can join via Google Meet by clicking here (https://meet.google.com/psb-cdnm-ngc) or by calling 307-939-2105 (PIN: 233 776 836#).

Christmas Eve worship at 8pm will include traditional lessons and carols. There will be nine lessons read, carols sung, communion celebrated, and candles lit to “Silent Night” as we celebrate the birth of Jesus.
The Christmas Eve 8pm service will happen in the sanctuary and Google Meet. You can join via Google Meet by clicking here (https://meet.google.com/vrj-zuay-uwx) or by calling 609-701-1226 (PIN: 334 672 631#).

Christmas Day worship at 10am will also include lessons and carols as we celebrate Christmas together. This service different from the Christmas Eve services.
The Christmas Day 10am service will happen in the sanctuary and Google Meet. You can join via Google Meet by clicking here (https://meet.google.com/ens-kcoq-bgg) or by calling 262-885-7027 (PIN: 172 874 072#).
We seek to be a community of faith where all can experience meaningful relationship with God, grow in Christ, and reach out in love to others; a community where all can love and be loved; a community where you are accepted as you are.
We worship every Sunday morning at 10 am in the sanctuary and Google Meet. Services are also live streamed on YouTube. An archive of worship services can be found at youtube.com/@FranklinMaUMC. Worship information including joining information and bulletins can be found at franklinumc.org.