Franklin United Methodist Church will be preparing the raised beds and planting its 2021 Community Garden this Friday, June 11. We will fill and cultivate the nine raised beds from 10:30a-12p. We will begin planting eggplants, tomatoes, cucumbers, and peppers at 12p. This volunteer opportunity is open to all. Feel free to bring your favorite garden tools and gloves, if you have them. If not, we have tools for you to use. Please email Pastor Jacob so that we know how many volunteers to plan for: “many hands make for light work.”

The Community Garden at Franklin United Methodist Church was started in 2020. All the vegetables harvested from the garden are donated to the Franklin Food Pantry. Regular volunteers are used to tend the garden throughout the summer. If you would like to help with the garden, or you have questions, please contact Pastor Jacob or Michael Divoll.