Dear friends and members of Franklin United Methodist Church,
I write to let you know about our plans for worship this Sunday. With cold, rainy weather forecasted, we will be worshipping in-person, in-the-sanctuary this Sunday, May 30, at 10am. As a reminder, COVID protocols remain in effect. All worship participants (over age 3) must wear a mask over their nose and mouth, maintain physical distancing, sanitize hands regularly, and fill out a health questionnaire. Ushers will help guide in-person worshippers to their seats so that proper spacing in the sanctuary is maintained. There will be no singing during worship and no refreshments following worship. In-person worshippers do not need to pre-register.
For those that are unable to gather in-person or are uncomfortable doing so at this time, know that you will be able to join the gathering online. To join our worship together online, simply go to or call 1-262-885-7027, the PIN is 172 874 072#.
This coming Sunday we are beginning a new series entitled “Stories of the Faith.” We will be reading stories from The Beginner’s Bible. Each week through Labor Day weekend, we will look at a new story from the scriptures.
I hope you will join me (in-person, in-the-sanctuary or online) for worship together! If you have any questions or you just want to chat, please do not hesitate to call, text, or email. I look forward to seeing you (and a guest?!) on Sunday!
Pastor Jacob