Worship This Week: In-person, Inside!

Dear friends and members of Franklin United Methodist Church,

I write to let you know about our plans for worship this Sunday. With cold, rainy weather forecasted, we will be worshipping in-person, in-the-sanctuary this Sunday, May 30, at 10am.  As a reminder, COVID protocols remain in effect.  All worship participants (over age 3) must wear a mask over their nose and mouth, maintain physical distancing, sanitize hands regularly, and fill out a health questionnaire.  Ushers will help guide in-person worshippers to their seats so that proper spacing in the sanctuary is maintained.  There will be no singing during worship and no refreshments following worship.  In-person worshippers do not need to pre-register.

For those that are unable to gather in-person or are uncomfortable doing so at this time, know that you will be able to join the gathering online.  To join our worship together online, simply go to https://meet.google.com/ens-kcoq-bgg or call 1-262-885-7027, the PIN is 172 874 072#.

This coming Sunday we are beginning a new series entitled “Stories of the Faith.”  We will be reading stories from The Beginner’s Bible.  Each week through Labor Day weekend, we will look at a new story from the scriptures.

I hope you will join me (in-person, in-the-sanctuary or online) for worship together!  If you have any questions or you just want to chat, please do not hesitate to call, text, or email.  I look forward to seeing you (and a guest?!) on Sunday!

Pastor Jacob