Matthew Works

Matthew Works
Matthew Works is an artist and speaker who travels the Greater Boston area and country.  Join us on January 12 at 11:45am for a potluck meal and presentation by Matthew.  His presentation, in words and images, is entitled, “Nowhere to Lay His Head: Homelessness and the Gospel.”
Matthew, who spent nearly 10 years on the streets of Boston, uses art to start the conversation about the realities of homelessness and how people of faith can respond.  Though he is still homeless, Matthew hasn’t had to sleep outside, nor in a homeless shelter, for over 12 years as he travels the country presenting his art and speaking about homelessness.  He has spoken at universities and seminaries across the country including Harvard Divinity School, MIT, University of Pennsylvania, University of California at Berkley, and has been featured on NPR’s Morning Edition and This American Life (Living Without, “Act 3: The Call of the Great Indoors,” September 16, 2011).