Confirmation Begins SOON

Confirmation will be starting soon! The term confirmation is used to mark the first time a baptized Christian publicly confirms their intention to live out their baptismal vows as a member of the local church. Traditionally, this happens in late middle school or high school.

To help youth prepare to make their confirmation, Pastor Jacob will be offering a “confirmation class” beginning on Sunday, September 18.  The class is broken into three parts (10 weeks total) and will be done before Christmas.  In addition to the class, each confirmand (person preparing to make their confirmation) will be expected to begin living out the vows of membership. You will find an outline for the class and expectations of confirmands here. Confirmands will be assigned a sponsor that will check in monthly with each confirmand.  Confirmation Sunday is scheduled for Easter Sunday, April 9, 2023.

If you would like to sign a youth up for confirmation, or you have questions about the process, please contact Pastor Jacob.