Worship this week (June 6)–INSIDE

Dear members and friends of Franklin United Methodist Church,

The weather forecast this weekend predicts that it will be extremely hot and (potentially) pretty humid. With this in mind, we will be worshipping in-person, in-the-sanctuary, where it is nice and cool, this Sunday, June 6, at 10am. Just like last week, all COVID protocols remain in place.

All worship participants (over age 3) must wear a mask over their nose and mouth, maintain physical distancing, sanitize hands regularly, and fill out a health questionnaire.  Ushers will help guide in-person worshippers to their seats so that proper spacing in the sanctuary is maintained.  There will be no singing during worship and no refreshments following worship.  In-person worshippers do not need to pre-register.

For those that are unable to gather in-person or are uncomfortable doing so at this time, know that you will be able to join the gathering online.  To join our worship together online, simply go to https://meet.google.com/ens-kcoq-bgg or call 1-262-885-7027, the PIN is 172 874 072#.

This Sunday, we will be looking at the story of “The Visitors” from The Beginner’s Bible. It recounts the pronouncement and birth of Isaac to Abraham and Sarah. Sarah laughs at the possibility of it. I’ll be reflecting on her response. What are we laughing at? And, maybe, just maybe, we ought to laugh a little more.

I look forward to seeing you in-person, in-the-sanctuary this Sunday as we worship together! As always, if you have want to meet or chat, don’t hesitate to call, text, or email to setup a time to get caught up. I’ll see you on Sunday, and consider inviting a guest to come with you!

Pastor Jacob