Devotional || Psalm 114

By Beth Ferguson, Lay Leader and Member to the Annual Conference.

Psalm 114 recalls the Exodus, the time when God rescued God’s people from their difficulties. It is a celebration of God’s grace and mercy when life becomes difficult. When the Israelites were slaves in Egypt, God sent Moses to bring them out. When they needed to cross the Red Sea, God, held back the water to allow them to pass. Then years later God stopped the waters of the Jordon River to allow the Israelites to cross into the promised land. When they were hungry, God sent manna in the morning and quails at night to feed them- enough for everyone. When they were thirsty, God allowed spring water to burst forth when Moses struck the rock. At every turn, God provided for the people.

And so, the mountains and hills leaped in the air.

This is a time of trouble for us, as we continue to deal with the Coronavirus pandemic. We know people are dying, people are desperately ill. Families can’t visit with their sick relatives. There are shortages of medical supplies and essential medication. Grocery stores are empty of some essentials. And yet, we see medical and nursing staff stepping up to care for very sick patients putting their own lives at risk. Factories are changing their manufacturing process to create personal protective equipment. Breweries are making hand sanitizer. People are making masks in their homes. People are caring for their neighbors.  Others are donating money to emergency relief funds. God always provides; and, God provides by using humans.

And so, we to join the earth in singing praise for God’s mercy and provisions in times of need.

“Shout to the Lord” by Hillsong (feat. Darlene Zschech)

A Prayer from the Extended Cabinet

By Rev. Taesung Kang, New Hampshire District Superintendent

Who is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow.
Who saw the pain of the people of Israel and redeemed them from slavery, 
Who heard the mourning of the captives and ransomed them from their lonely exile, 
Who watched Your Son Jesus Christ’s crucifixion and raised him up from the dead. 

We were so grateful for the celebration of this Easter Sunday that was like no other;
Singing Hallelujah at home, at the top of our lungs, along with a virtual choir, 
Watching the powerful story of the empty tomb from the couch, 
Sharing a Love Feast with family members, 
Recognizing how greatly we needed the spirit of Easter and living it out as Easter people. 

Now, only five days later, after being filled with the great joy of Jesus’ triumph over death,  
We feel like those Israelites who were in captivity, 
We feel like Thomas who doubted your real presence, 
We find our daily life compromised by anxiety, fear, and doubt. 

There are times when we wonder, “Where is God in this pandemic?” 
There are times when we feel that God seems so far away, 
There are times when we think God is absent from our midst, 
There are times when we ask, “How long, O God, do we need to endure?” 

So continue to have mercy upon us, O Lord, 
And redeem us from the doubt and despair that is within us and around us, 
Deepen our faith so that we may remain pure and genuine through this trial, 
Grant us your peace and restore our true Easter joy, 
Help us to understand that “Blessed are those who believe without seeing me” 
Help us to love you, O Lord, “even though we do not see you now.” 

Risen Savior, 
We choose to trust in your ever-present love, 
Our faith will remain “strong through many trials” 
For “it will bring you much praise and glory and honor on the day when Jesus Christ is revealed to the whole world.” 
Amen. Hallelujah!