Devotional || Psalm 16

By Beth Ferguson, Lay Leader and Member to the Annual Conference.

In Psalm 16, David celebrates God’s goodness and everlasting love. When we put all our trust in God, God stands with us through the difficult days of our lives and we receive good gifts from God. Those who put their trust in other gods, do not experience the amazing joy of those who put their trust in the one true God.

We may work hard and think that we have achieved great success in our lives, providing our own security, amassing material possessions, yet this Psalm reminds us that we can’t succeed without God, that joy comes from love for the Lord and that the Lord provides for our abundance. Being in the presence of God brings us joy in any circumstance.

In this time of isolation and working from home, we can depend on God to bring us joy. We can celebrate more family time, more time to relax and rest, away from the rat-race we have been accustomed to. When we lie awake at night worrying about how we will pay bills, or whether we will get sick, or whether our friends and relatives will get sick, we can call on the Lord, who is ever present with us, in the night as well as the day.

When we grieve the loss of loved ones, we know that the Lord is with us throughout our lives and to life eternal.  God is with us and our loved ones are with God. Jesus showed us the way to eternal life as he walked on the earth in his human body and he promised us eternal life with him. So, when we grieve, we remember that our loved ones are with God and we will see them again when it is our time. We live with memories of our lives with those we loved, when they no longer walk with us.

Say to the Lord, “You are my Lord.  Apart from you, I have nothing good.” God will provide. God will be with you. God will bring joy.  Beautiful things are  always in God’s right hand and are meant for us.

A Prayer from the Extended Cabinet

By Rev. Taesung Kang, New Hampshire District Superintendent (based on 1 Peter 1:3-9; John 20:19-31)

Everlasting and eternal God,  Who is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow.  Who saw the pain of the people of Israel and redeemed them from slavery, Who heard the mourning of the captives and ransomed them from their lonely exile, Who watched Your Son Jesus Christ’s crucifixion and raised him up from the dead.

We were so grateful for the celebration of this Easter Sunday that was like no other; Singing Hallelujah at home, at the top of our lungs, along with a virtual choir, Watching the powerful story of the empty tomb from the couch, Sharing a Love Feast with family members, Recognizing how greatly we needed the spirit of Easter and living it out as Easter people.

Now, only five days later, after being filled with the great joy of Jesus’ triumph over death,  We feel like those Israelites who were in captivity, We feel like Thomas who doubted your real presence, We find our daily life compromised by anxiety, fear, and doubt.

There are times when we wonder, “Where is God in this pandemic?” There are times when we feel that God seems so far away, There are times when we think God is absent from our midst, There are times when we ask, “How long, O God, do we need to endure?”

So continue to have mercy upon us, O Lord, And redeem us from the doubt and despair that is within us and around us, Deepen our faith so that we may remain pure and genuine through this trial, Grant us your peace and restore our true Easter joy, Help us to understand that “Blessed are those who believe without seeing me” Help us to love you, O Lord, “even though we do not see you now.”

Risen Savior, We choose to trust in your ever-present love, Our faith will remain “strong through many trials” For “it will bring you much praise and glory and honor on the day when Jesus Christ is revealed to the whole world.” Amen. Hallelujah!